Are you looking for a more holistic approach to your healthcare?
We offer alternative options to support your primary healthcare needs here in Omaha, Nebraska!
Are you experiencing any of these things…
- Do you continue to feel worse and that your chronic illness is progressing?
- Are you missing work and not being productive?
- Do you have less time for the things that matter most to you?
- Are you concerned about missing warning signs of something more serious?
We can help!
We provide these services so you can feel confident, empowered and vibrant!
FAQs - Functional Medicine
How is functional medicine different than conventional medicine?
Functional medicine is a systems biology approach that strives to find the root cause of symptoms in a body or mind that is not functioning optimally. Conventional medicine is very good at diagnosing disease and treating it often with medications. Functional medicine can intervene when one has symptoms of suboptimal health, but doesn’t have disease yet. Conventional medicine is often siloed to only treat certain body systems, for example- kidney doctor, thyroid doctor, heart doctor. In functional medicine we look at how each body system is intertwined and how one system could affect the other. It is a more comprehensive, holistic approach, and best equipped to optimizing overall health.
Why won’t my insurance cover functional medicine?
Most insurance plans don’t think the advanced testing we do in functional medicine is “medically necessary” so they don’t cover it. The time we spend analyzing your results and coming up with a program to help you is not covered either. We spend more one-on-one time with you throughout the program helping you trouble shoot and tweak the program so you can reach optimal results.
How do I know if this program could be right for me?
This program is designed to help the following person: Someone who doesn’t feel good in general, has tried many things to feel better, has been told by a medical provider that their labs were “normal”. We specialize in those with fatigue, chronic GI complaints, and thyroid disorders. We believe food is medicine. So this program is right for someone who is willing to prioritize healthy eating or at least willing to make some diet changes. We often use supplements. The ideal patient would be willing to take supplements.